If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.
Gospel of Thomas
If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.

Genetic Alchemy / Ancestral Healing for men and women
'When you bring the two together in one house, when you make the inner as the outer, and the upper as the lower, when you make male and female into one single one, so that the male shall not be male and the female shall not be female, then you will enter the kingdom' We have the ability to change our genetic informatio …

Holographic Passage Into Wholeness Online course for women only
Becoming aware of the countless threads that weave and unite all elements into the rhythm of life, she came to innerstand and awaken to the innate cosmic language and lore held within her cellular structure, her womb… how to align herself within this cosmic order of Love.. bringing forth her deepest knowing and wisdom, …

Private Sessions for men and women of all ages
Together we unravel the many beliefs, assumptions and conditionings which lie in your subconscious and are determining your life. I draw on my tools of Systemic Constellation and Genetic Alchemy, combining it with my own gifts of perception, intuition and feminine embodied wisdom. Making the unseen conscious will allow …


About Tatjana
Biography Tatjana Alexander is a Facilitator of Systemic Medicine/Systemic Constellation and Family Constellation Therapy. She has trained and worked for many years with Stephan Hausner, Dr. Gunthard Weber, Hedy Leitner-Diehl, Jakob and Sieglinde Schneider in Germany, and is a member of ISCA (International Systemic Con …