About Tatjana
Tatjana Alexander is a Facilitator of Systemic Medicine/Systemic Constellation and Family Constellation Therapy. She has trained and worked for many years with Stephan Hausner, Dr. Gunthard Weber, Hedy Leitner-Diehl, Jakob and Sieglinde Schneider in Germany, and is a member of ISCA (International Systemic Constellation Association).
She is a Zen Shiatsu Practitioner (ESI, European Shiatsu Institute) and the founder of 'A Holographic Passage Into Wholeness And Feminine Embodiment'. She has trained with Mike Boxhall in Mindfulness-based Therapy and Presence in Stillness, and is in ongoing training with Steve Richards in Aboriginal Dream Time Healing using Holographic Kinetics.
For many years she has been guiding men and women in healing, accessing, living and embodying their true feminine/masculine essence and potential. Tatjana works in both group settings and private sessions and holds retreats and workshops worldwide. She also offers mentoring and super vision sessions to leaders, teachers and facilitators of all areas as well as in the field of holistic medicine. Tatjana is available as a speaker in the transmission of Ancestral Healing, Systemic Medicine and 'A Holographic Passage Into Wholeness and Feminine Embodiment'.
The space that opens when you work with Tatjana Alexander is truly multidimensional. Her approach is deeply feminine and at the same time objectively scientific.
About Tatjana
Tatjana's observations and her interest in the multidimensional came to her as a child and again as a teenager after she'd undergone profound physical healing with two women who carried with them ancient wisdom. These experiences opened her to the unseen quantum world, that which guides our lives. The birth of her son and caring for her father as he passed further opened her capacity to support the movements of transition for those coming in and leaving this dimension which form part of her spiritual gift.
In her early adulthood, Tatjana trained as an actress and dancer. It was through an artistic collaboration with the internationally acclaimed artist Lois Weinberger which ignited her to weave the experiencing of the metaphysical into her current practices. While working in film and theatre, Tatjana studied Zen Shiatsu (at the European Shiatsu Institute) with a main focus on women's issues. This allowed her to explore the emotional and psychological translation of the soul through the physical body. However, this still left her with outstanding questions beyond the physical body, the feminine form and its specifics in translation. This led her to bring alive her work of 'A Holographic Passage of Feminine Awakening', open to both men and women.
With her education and gifts, Tatjana found her own wisdom in innerstanding how to support others in making conscious what is unseen within them, revealing the free will choices one has beyond the many assumptions, conditionings and patterns of the mind.
Tatjana's primary focus is in guiding you back to remembering and reconnecting to Spirit within, without any rituals, ceremonies or initiations, as all you need to grow and integrate lies within you.