
‘Return to Love’ Retreat 27th September – 4th October 2024 on Crete / Greece

This is an invitation to join me on this highly transformative weeks journey through the Holographics of the Feminine Form. The main focus being on the unlocking of all which is blocking you, holding you back in this moment from unfolding into the true realm of the Feminine.
One of true freedom, vibrant, juicy vitality, harmony, abundance, authenticity, tangible clarity, the unwavering power of standing in your truth.

We are meeting in the nourishing, still warm autumn sun, on the island of Crete in Greece, dedicating this week to an experience of multidimensional, analog integration of your individual past, in the Here and Now, so the future is free of the pasts repetition.

Freeing you from any binding contracts, aligning you within your ancestral lineages, clearing your womb, reinstalling heart-brain harmony, bringing you back into flow and your rhythm within, with the sentient Being Mother Earth and the elements, inspiring your true feminine essence to be lived.
Exploring the multidimensionality you are part of and innerstanding Universal Lore.
Crucial during these times of accelerated growth.

Through a unique array of practices and the divine rememberance of the ancient ways of BEing, you reactivate your inbuilt, organic & analog technology, grounding you into our true essence, summoning heart-brain harmony, lived wisdom and power. You return to this HIGHEST intelligence which governs us all, you return to LOVE. 

If you desire to be amongst the LIVING women, longing to unleash your creative power, to lead from your intuitive, knowing heart, reconnect with Spirit, come join me in this intimate group of women. 

Being seen, held & witnessed in a safe container, nourished through women coming together in loving support of one another, is the healing balm so many are in need of.
It is what alchemizes the stories of trauma, hurt and pain into embodied wisdom, compassion and Love.

This week is limited to only a small group of women. If you feel the call, secure your place now and drop me an email for all further details. Places are given on a ‘first in, first served’ basis.

Sign up for this RETURN TO LOVE on 31st July 2024!

Women of all seasons are most welcome to this Return to Love.
For more details email me below.

I look forward to meeting you. 

We will meet in a small, charming, quiet village within the exquisitely lush region of Apokoronas, about 30 mins drive from Chania, up in the mountains with just a 40 min walk through stunning nature to reach the next beach for a swim.
Our food is local, seasonal, mostly organically grown, vegetarian, prepared for us fresh every day.

Photo © by Tatjana Alexander / Aigues-Mortes/France