Exploration #1 Blossoming into Womanhood for all young women 14 plus 26.04., 28.06., 04.10. 2025 via Zoom
This exploration is an offering really close to my heart and is open to all the young women, 14 years plus, who are opening into a lived sexuality, who are blossoming into womanhood and the many questions that come with it.
We will share approx. 1 1/2 hours in a safe and supportive container together, via zoom, so everybody in the comfort of their home. You will be guided into an empowered place so you can follow your intuitive knowing freely and with clarity, as you receive the 'woman's medicine and wisdom'.
My intention is to offer a space for young women, to not only explore a more holistic approach to the details of the feminine physical body, the technology it is, what each organ and part holds, beyond it's biological function, but to offer a space for all questions about Love, sex, love making and to assist you in gaining a deeper innerstanding of what 'lived sexuality' is and can be. So you can meet the woman emerging from a place of trust and feeling safe.
A space to share, to be witnessed in, to exchange with one another openly and freely, in lightness and fun, to grow in a community of young women and the precious gifts and incredible opportunities and powers you have at hand as you come together.
In these 1 1/2 hours we will also explore simple practices to ground you, i.e. to bring you into a deeper connection with your innate and intuitive knowing and wisdom, to centre and anchor you in your own heart, your physical body, so you can gain clarity on what's going on for you in the moment from an authentic place, in respect of your Self.
Learning to express yourSelf in your truth is deeply empowering in all aspects of your life.
If you feel the call to join in, send me an Email below, which date you wish to participate and you will receive all further details.
The calls will be held in english and german, as needed.
26th of April 2025 at 3 pm CET Sign up ends on 1st of April 2025!
28th of June 2025 at 3 pm CET Sign up ends on 1st of June 2025!
I so look forward to meeting you.
Photo: Jenella Walker