Women’s Circle 21. January 2022 via Zoom
We are living through a time of the collective shadow. It is high time to open our hearts and let Love reign! Courageously standing in our truth, asks for a solid ground within, for trust and knowing.
We will share approx. 2 hours in a safe and supportive container together, reweaving the ancient wisdom held in your body and womb, nourishing and rejuvenating yourSelf as you open to letting go of what pains you at this very moment. To find answers to the questions you may have. Being witnessed in your truth is a deeply alchemical process, unfolding you into the key-mechanics of awakening.
It is when we as women come together to bare witness to one another, in the absence of judgment, our hearts open towards each other and the individual journey each one is in, that we nurture the goodness, the resolve of what pains, that we ignite our very essence of compassion and thus return to our authentic feminine tone of embodiment and inner radiance.
Our true power and strength is to love, despite and because. Let's open our hearts and let Love reign!
If you wish to be amongst the living, drop me a message below for further details. We will meet on Friday the 21st Day of January, at 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. UTC+1/CEST. Women of all seasons are welcome!